7.0 其它 · 1975 · 其它 · 动作片
托马斯·米连,约瑟夫·科顿,Maria Fiore,Mario Piave,卢西亚诺·卡蒂纳齐,圭多·阿尔贝蒂,费米·贝努西,Silvano Tranquilli,Shirley Corrigan,Antonio Casale,罗萨里奥·博雷利,卢西亚诺·皮格齐,马里奥·诺维里,布鲁诺·迪·鲁亚,Giuseppe Castellano,Tom Felleghy,伊妲·伽利,Adolfo Lastr
Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly the king of Italian crime movies, but unfortunately; Syndicate Sadists is not the best examples of his work in this genre. Lenzi's crime flicks tend to be a cut above the rest because he makes films based on stories with a point, and they don't lack direction; but this film feels a bit too wayward to fully fit with the rest of his stuff. The film takes obvious influence from Sergio Leone's landmark western 'A Fistful of Dollars' (which in turn, took influence from Akira Kurosawa's landmark samurai flick Yojimbo), in that it features two warring families and a strong character at the centre. The crime that Lenzi focuses on is kidnapping, and we centre on a character called 'Rambo'. Rambo is dragged into the war between the two families after his brother is killed because of it. Rambo uses his brains and brawn to pit the two families against one another, in the hope of gaining revenge for his brother's death, rescuing a young boy that they've kidnapped, and ultimately letting the two sides destroy one another. The film's biggest asset is undoubtedly Tomas Milian. Milian was put to great use by Lenzi in almost all of his crime thrillers. The range of characters he has played for Lenzi is immense, and this one is easily one of the coolest. The character is called Rambo, which immediately sprang to mind the popular Sylvester Stallone character - but for once, the Italians actually haven't stolen this name as Syndicate Sadists was released first! As usual, the film is wickedly entertaining, as we get to watch Milian get himself involved in the usual array of car chases, shootouts and brawls. Lenzi has got him riding a motorbike this time round, and every scene featuring it and Milian is a real standout! However, the film often feels like it doesn't really have anywhere to go, and this means that the running time is stretched out more than it should be. Compared to the crime films of other Italian directors, Syndicate Sadists is more than above average; but in relation to Lenzi crime flicks such as Almost Human and The Cynic, The Rat and The Fist - it doesn't stand tall as one of Lenzi's best. Still, if you're looking for ninety minutes of testosterone fuelled mayhem - Syndicate Sadists will suffice!
4.0 西班牙语 · 2023 · 西班牙 · 喜剧片
In a haunted apartment building, a paranormal investigator in decline has to reunite with his daughter to solve the mystery of the building and regain his credibility as a writer and father. All this, while trying to escape from the terrible creature that stalks the place, killing the tenants one by one...
6.0 意大利语 · 1969 · 意大利 / 法国 / 西德 · 论理片
伊阿宋是国王埃宋的儿子,埃宋的弟弟珀利阿斯篡夺了王位,伊阿宋则被半人半马的喀戎抚养成人。长大后的伊阿宋回到王国,向叔叔要回王位。而叔叔要求他完成一个任务——夺取金羊毛,只要伊阿宋能做到,叔叔就把王位让出来。伊阿宋率领着希腊众英雄一路远去,来到了金羊毛所在地科尔喀斯。美狄亚(玛丽亚•卡拉斯 Maria Callas 饰)是科尔喀斯城邦国王的女儿,她爱上了伊阿宋,于是盗取金羊毛献给了伊阿宋。她背叛父亲、杀死弟弟,不惜舍弃一切,也要跟伊阿宋远走高飞,到遥远的国度一同生活。
8.0 Sicilian,意 · 1948 · 意大利 · 剧情片
Antonio Arcidiacono,Giuseppe Arcidiacono,Venera Bonaccorso,Nicola Castorino,Rosa Catalano,Rosa Costanzo,Alfio Fichera,Carmela Fichera,Rosario Galvagno,Agnese Giammona,Nelluccia Giammona,Giovanni Greco
故事发生在西西里的一个小渔村,演员都是当地居民。《大地在波动》是意大利新现实主义运动中涌现出的一部伟大电影。 在田园般的西西里小渔村,渔民们世世代代从事着古老职业,按照祖先的方式生活,无论多么艰难困苦。他们一直被鱼贩和船主欺压。为他们遭受的不公平所打击,年轻渔民尼奥联合其他人奋起抗争,他们因扰乱治安被捕。尼奥不想屈服,他说服家人抵押了住房,自己做起了经营。 然而,在一次暴风雨中他们失去了渔船。走投无路之际,年轻的渔民被迫回到鱼贩手下,接受了他们卑劣的条件参加工作。他们失去的不仅是家庭,村民间的团结也丧失了。
6.0 英语 · 2018 · 美国 · 剧情片
妮可·贝哈瑞,卡拉·布欧诺,卡桑德拉·弗里曼,亚伦·科斯塔·加尼斯,小凯文·哈里森,基南·乔利夫,罗布·摩根,香缇·亚当斯,Giuseppe Ardizzone,J.W. Cortes,Angel Bismark Curiel,Josiah Gabriel,Jasmine Cephas Jones,David Lamberton,克里斯·麦金尼
3.0 英语 · 2025 · 美国 · 喜剧片
事业有成的商务人士(斯科特·弗利 Scott Foley 饰)大老远飞到意大利,想阻止满脑子白日梦的女儿(玛雅·瑞菲科 Maia Reficco 饰)花大钱修缮一栋破烂别墅。然而,在这个美景俯拾即是,魔力与爱情交织的国度,他将迎来一场“意”外惊喜。
8.0 英语 · 2025 · 美国 · 喜剧片
事业有成的商务人士(斯科特·弗利 Scott Foley 饰)大老远飞到意大利,想阻止满脑子白日梦的女儿(玛雅·瑞菲科 Maia Reficco 饰)花大钱修缮一栋破烂别墅。然而,在这个美景俯拾即是,魔力与爱情交织的国度,他将迎来一场“意”外惊喜。
8.0 其它 · 1974 · 其它 · 剧情片
Rosanna Schiaffino,Chris Avram,Eva Czemerys,Lucretia Love,Paola Senatore
Patrick Davenant invites a group of friends to visit a theater inside his villa, a place which later reveals itself as sinister. Within a short time, the guests realize that they are trapped in the villa. A merciless killer then begins to murder them one by one.
7.0 法语 · 1974 · 其它 · 剧情片
德克·博加德,夏洛特·兰普林,菲利普·勒鲁瓦,加布里埃尔·费泽蒂,Giuseppe Addobbati,伊莎·米兰达,Nino Bignamini,马里诺·梅瑟,阿梅代奥·阿莫迪奥,Piero Vida,杰弗里·科普尔斯顿,Manfred Freyberger,Ugo Cardea,Hilda Gunther,诺拉·里奇,Piero Mazzinghi
另类的爱情故事,肢体纠结的情色语言。 1957年,原纳粹军官Max(Dirk Bogarde 饰)隐姓埋名,在维也纳一家酒店当午夜守门人。某日,他遇到著名指挥家的妻子Lucia(Charlotte Rampling 饰),往事排山倒海而来。 原来,Lucia是纳粹集中营的幸存者,当年是Max的性奴,也是他的情人,Max对她一直念念不忘。 Max趁Lucia外出演出,和Lucia重逢,随即将她接到了自己的公寓,二人迅速恢复了往日的关系。 于此同时,Max所属纳粹余孽小团体也在寻找Lucia,想除掉这个有力的证人,Lucia的丈夫也因为妻子失踪而报警。Max走投无路,只能囤积了大量食品在公寓里,和Lucia足不出户,靠性爱彼此安慰,忘记现实的困境,等待终将来临的救赎或者毁灭。
4.0 国语 · 1974 · 其它 · 剧情片
德克·博加德,夏洛特·兰普林,菲利普·勒鲁瓦,加布里埃尔·费泽蒂,Giuseppe Addobbati,伊莎·米兰达,Nino Bignamini,马里诺·梅瑟,阿梅代奥·阿莫迪奥,Piero Vida,杰弗里·科普尔斯顿,Manfred Freyberger,Ugo Cardea,Hilda Gunther,诺拉·里奇,Piero Mazzinghi
另类的爱情故事,肢体纠结的情色语言。 1957年,原纳粹军官Max(Dirk Bogarde 饰)隐姓埋名,在维也纳一家酒店当午夜守门人。某日,他遇到著名指挥家的妻子Lucia(Charlotte Rampling 饰),往事排山倒海而来。 原来,Lucia是纳粹集中营的幸存者,当年是Max的性奴,也是他的情人,Max对她一直念念不忘。 Max趁Lucia外出演出,和Lucia重逢,随即将她接到了自己的公寓,二人迅速恢复了往日的关系。 于此同时,Max所属纳粹余孽小团体也在寻找Lucia,想除掉这个有力的证人,Lucia的丈夫也因为妻子失踪而报警。Max走投无路,只能囤积了大量食品在公寓里,和Lucia足不出户,靠性爱彼此安慰,忘记现实的困境,等待终将来临的救赎或者毁灭。
3.0 意大利语 · 2022 · 意大利 · 剧情片
路易吉·洛·卡肖,埃利奥·杰曼诺,Giuseppe Aiello,Ermino Amelio,Anna Caterina Antonacci,瓦莱里奥·比纳斯科,Emma Bonino,Rita Bosello,Ferruccio Braibanti,Alessandro Bressanello,Maria Caleffi,阿尔贝托·克拉科,Roberto Infurna,Luca Lazzare
7.0 其它 · 2022 · 其它 · 剧情片
佩内洛普·克鲁兹,温琴佐·阿马托,Elena Arvigo,奥罗拉·夸特罗基,Filippo Pucillo,Rita De Donato,Carlo Gallo,Alvia Reale,Giuseppe Pattavina,Laura Nardi
佩内洛普·克鲁兹将主演艾曼纽尔·克里亚勒斯([内陆])执导的新片[巨大](L’immensita,暂译)。艾曼纽尔与弗朗塞斯卡·马尼里(《本色》)、Vittorio Moroni共同操刀剧本。该片故事背景设定在上世纪70年的罗马,意大利社会正处于转折点,影片描绘了一个家庭的生活点滴。佩内洛普饰演Clara,她是一位母亲,是整个故事的核心。
6.0 意大利语 · 2022 · 意大利,法国 · 悬疑片
艾莎·阿基多,伊莱尼·帕斯托雷利,Andrea Gherpelli,Mario Pirrello,Maria Rosaria Russo,Gennaro Iaccarino,Xinyu Zhang,葆拉·桑博,Ivan Alovisio,Giuseppe Cometa
Diana, a young woman who lost her sight, finds a guide in a Chinese boy named Chin. Together they will track down a dangerous killer th rough the darkness of Italy.
7.0 意大利语 / 古希腊 · 1973 · 意大利 / 法国 · 喜剧片
◎1975奧斯卡最佳外語片 ◎1974紐約影評人協會最佳導演及最佳影片 三月,空氣中紛飛飄揚著輕軟絮草,教堂的鐘響迴盪在石板路上,小鎮的春天就此揭開序幕。時序回到三零年代亞德里亞海邊的小城,墨索里尼的極右理想仍是信奉的教條,建築工人老爸、家庭主婦老媽、遊手好閒的舅舅、頑皮的小弟,男孩在天主教、法西斯和義大利傳統家庭價值中,迎接他的青春與成長。教室裡捉弄老師的惡作劇、教堂裡擔心手淫的懺悔、鄉村海邊的熱鬧婚宴,費里尼從容隨意地摘選擷取小鎮生活的切片與軼事,密密織就一片記憶之網,在時代洪流與個人思憶之間相互輝映。 費里尼曾說:「一個人所能做的紀錄,永遠是,也只能是對他自己的紀錄」。《阿瑪珂德》不但被推崇為其個人寫實語法的代表作,也被視為他最重要的自傳作品之一。影片一方面帶領觀眾走進費里尼的童年生活,看見他純真誠摯、幽默風趣的情感源頭。在時代景況的描繪上,也跳脫了純粹客觀、歷史觀察式的審視與檢驗,從最根本的生活細節著手,真實地重現了二次大戰前後義大利境內法西斯的樣貌。 有趣的是,在《阿瑪珂德》中,我們也可清楚地看到費里尼對女性形象的思索與著迷,聖母、烈女、蕩婦的三位一體,母親與妓女形成了互為表裡的對比,而費里尼作品中一再出現的、體態豐腴、巨大的女體,不但是哺育孩童的母性泉源,也是青年性啟蒙的開端。
3.0 意大利语 · 1974 · 意大利 / 法国 · 论理片
4.0 意大利语 · 1970 · 意大利 · 论理片
A Venetian musician at La Fenice theatre is affected by an incurable disease. By chance he meets his ex-wife who is now living with another man. She finally realizes that she is still in love with him.One of the most romantic films ever made and that still bears the pass of time despite some camera cliches of the 70's. Venice at its best is the setting for a poignant story of l...
5.0 意大利语 · 1980 · 意大利 · 论理片
3.0 意大利语 / 那不勒 · 1971 · 意大利 · 论理片
获柏林电影节评审团大奖。影片取材于意大利文艺复兴时期薄伽丘的著名小说集《十日谈》,帕索里尼从中挑选了8个(亦有说10个)发生在那不勒斯等意大利南部地区的故事进行拍摄(原著中以佛罗伦萨地区故事为主),这些故事大多以揭露教会虚伪丑恶本质为宗旨,并鲜明地表现了作者对人性解放的肯定态度。 原著《十日谈》是意大利文艺复兴时期最重要的文学作品之一,它以十四世
5.0 英语 / 意大利语 · 2019 · 意大利 · 美剧
安德丽亚·瑞斯波罗格(《黑镜》《斯大林之死》)有望加盟两个新项目:尼古拉斯·佩谢执导的新翻拍版《咒怨》,和亚马逊&天空电视台打造的限定剧《零零零》(Zero, Zero, Zero)。
6.0 意大利语 · 2003 · 意大利 / 西班牙 / 英国 · 剧情片
九岁的小男孩米歇尔(乔瑟培·克里斯提亚诺 Giuseppe Cristiano饰)一日在玩耍的时候,无意间发现了地穴里的一个秘密。他惊讶的发现在这口地穴中囚禁着一个与他年纪相仿的金发男孩菲利普(马悌亚·狄·皮耶 Mattia Di Pierro饰),他被铁铐牢牢地锁着,弱小而无助。被震惊了的米歇尔立刻逃回家中,然而在好奇心的驱使下,他又一次前往地穴。他们都是用童话与想像化解着内心的恐惧,慢慢变成了好朋友。米歇尔隐瞒了这个秘密,并在心里做了各种各样的奇异猜想。
6.0 英语 · 2023 · 英国 · 美剧
舒提·盖特瓦,米莉·吉布森,邦妮·兰福德,Giuseppe Lentini,戴维娜·迈克考,吉克克斯·蒙索
As the Fifteenth Doctor, played by Ncuti Gatwa, takes over the TARDIS for his first epic adventure he will be joined by Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson, as she makes her debut as the Doctor’s companion. The episode sees the Doctor come face-to-face with the mythical and mysterious goblins as his life collides with Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson. Little is known about Ruby Sunday as she was abandoned on Christmas Eve as a baby. Now living with her mum, Carla and grandmother, Cherry her world is about to be turned upside when she encounters the Doctor and the two set off on their first adventure together
7.0 德语,英语,意大利语 · 2023 · 德国 · 剧情片
Arsseni Bultmann,劳拉·汤克,大卫·史崔梭德,波拉·盖格,Camille Moltzen,卡斯帕·冯·比洛,梅林·罗斯,阿克塞尔·米尔伯格,莎拉·葆埃特,Esther Bechtold,Anna Amalie Blomeyer,Giuseppe Bonvissuto,马提亚斯?邦德舒,Leon Cliff,Romi D?rlitz,Luisa-Céline Gaffron,克劳德·
Between quarreling parents, mocking brothers and psychiatric patients, Josse grows up in an unusual environment. No wonder he struggles with feelings of being overwhelmed. A tragicomic celebration of life and its absurdities. 源自:https://www.berlinale.de/en/2023/programme/202301275.html