The genre-busting series tells the story of Katie and Stefan who fall for each other at a wedding and begin an affair, despite Katie already having a fiancé. Two months later at Katie’s wedding, her new husband and his entire family are murdered. The police think Stefan did it. Stefan thinks Katie did it. And no one knows for sure what the truth is…
The series is an action-packed romp across the UK and the US as Katie and Stefan go on the run, all while trying to prove their innocence. Streaming September 8, only on Hulu.
7.0安德丽娅·赖斯伯勒,戴恩·德哈恩,加布里埃尔·伯恩,迭戈·卡塔诺,朱力安·塞奇威克,娜比哈·阿卡瑞,狄恩·巴斯科,露西·浮士德,韦恩·佩雷,戈登·德克海默,érick Israel Consuelo,Giuseppe De Domenico,Mauricio Méndez,Harold Torres,Jesús Lozano,Armando Comonfort Santiago,José Salo